Sree Keralavarma College Thrissur, one of the prestigious institutions in the field of higher education, affiliated to University of Calicut started just before the dawn of independence, i.e. on 11th August 1947. Along with other Departments, Sanskrit was also started in 1947 itself and Sanskrit BA course was introduced. MA in Sanskrit was introduced in 2018. Prof. S. Hariharan was the first faculty to be appointed in the Department. Two students were admitted to the course. In due course Prof. P.S. Subbarama Pattar and Prof. Subramanyasastry were appointed to the Department as teachers. In 1948 Prof. N.D. Krishnanunni also joined the Department as faculty. Prof Sreemathy and Prof Saraswathy were members of the faculty of Sanskrit for a short while. Unfortunately, because of reasons unknown, BA Sanskrit course was dropped by the authorities next year onwards. For a short period in 1960’s Intermediate Sanskrit with subsidiary Malayalam was introduced and due to the introduction of Pre University courses this course was discontinued.
It was in 1967 BA course in Sanskrit was restarted. At this juncture Prof. K.T. Narayanan Namboodiri joined the Department. It was in 1969 that Prof. V.R. Ramakrishnan joined the Department. Later on he retired as Principal in 2003. For a short while Prof. Komalam, Prof. Vathsala and Dr.C. Sukumaran served in this Department and relinquished the posts to join PSC appointments. In 1972 Prof. K. Gowri and Dr. T. Aryadevi joined the Department. Prof. K. Gowri retired in 1988 and Dr. T. Aryadevi got appointment in the Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit in 1996 and left the Department. Prof. N. Gopalakrishnan joined the Department in 1973 and Dr. C. Rajendran in 1974. Dr. C. Rajendran left the Department in 1978 to join the Department of Sanskrit in University of Calicut. In this vacancy,in 1979 Prof. P.G. Premakumari was appointed who later on retired from service as Principal of Sree Vivekananda College, Kunnamkulam, a sister concern of our management. It was in 1981 Prof. M. Balachandran Nair enrolled in as a faculty of Sanskrit Department and retired from service in 2010. Dr.V.K.Vijayan appointed in 1988. Prof.K.Jayanarayanan transferred from Sree Vivekananda College to this Department in 2008. Both of them retired in 2014.
At present there are four faculty members in the Department. Dr. K. Jayanisha is the head of the Department. Dr. A.R. Anil Kumar, Dr. N.M. Narayanan and Dr. K.N. Jayageetha are also presently serving in the Department. Nowadays the Department offers BA Programme in Sanskrit, Additional Language Sanskrit for BA/BSc students and Complementary Course (Sanskrit) for BA as well as MA programmes in Malayalam.
Faculty memberswith famous cine artist and classic dancer Smt PALLAVI KRISHNA after her demonstratio
Faclulty members,former members and teachers with Smt Lakshmikkutty
Honouring the first sanskrit student of the college