The department of physics started functioning on 27th of January 1954. The degree course in Physics was started in the year 1956. Post graduation course in Physics was started in the year 1999. The Department houses excellent lab facilities which were intially arranged with the help and co-operation of the Alumni of the department. Lab facilities were upgraded with the financial aid from UGC and DST (Under FIST) in the year 2014.
Year 2013:
Speaker : Dr. G. Venketeswara Pai, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
Title : Correlated Electrons in Solids
Date : 23-01-2013
Speaker : Dr. G. Venketeswara Pai, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
Title : Cold Atom Condensates
Date : 24-01-2013
Year 2014:
(National Conference on Advanced Materials (Sponsored by UGC) - October 16-17
Speaker : Dr. G. Venketeswara Pai, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
Title : Phase transitions and Critical Phenomena
Date : 19-03-2014, 22-03-2014 & 29-03-2014
Year 2016 :
Talk by Dr. G. Venketeswara Pai, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
Title : Qualitative Methods in Physics
Date : 23-11-2016
Talk by Dr. M. Raveendranathan, CUSAT, Kochi, India
Title : Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Date : 02-12-2016
National Conference on Advanced Materials (Sponsored by UGC) - October 16-17
National Conference on Advanced Materials (Sponsored by UGC) - October 16-17
National Conference on Advanced Materials (Sponsored by UGC) - October 16-17