Courses presently handled:
For MA- Modern Political Analysis and Political Sociology, Political Theory- Liberal Traditions, Indian Administration , Human Rights, For BA- Foundations of Political Science, Concepts of Political Science, Modern Western Political Thought, Indian Constitution
Area of Interests:
Political Theory-Public Administration-Indian Government and Politics, International Politics, Comparative Politics, Political Thought( Greek Thought,Western Thought,Indian Thought,Gandian Thought) Human Rights, Decentralisation and Planning, American Government and Politics.
1] E waste- A new challenge to Human Rights-ISSN 2] Development Induced Displacement -A Sociological Perspective-ISSN 3) Human Rights of HIV infected persons in Kerala-ISSN 4) A study on Right to Service Act in Kerala - ISBN 5) Sustainable Development -A Gandian Perspective. -ISBN.
Programme Officer NSS UNIT NO. 41, Member of Website Committee, Cultural Committee in Sree Keralavarma college. Member of FLAIR Kerala. Additional Examiner - School of Distance Education, University of Calicut.