Madan Mithra L M

Faculty Assistant Professor

Madan Mithra. L. M

Courses presently handled: 
(1) PH5B06 - Electrodynamics II (B.Sc Core students - Vth Semester) - 3 Credits (2) PH6B13(E1) - Computational Physics (B.Sc Core students - VIth Semester) - 3 Credits (3) PHY2C06 Mathematical Physics - II (M.Sc II Semester) - 4 Credits (4) PHY1C03: Electrodynamics and Plasma Physics - (M.Sc I Semester) - 4 Credits
Area of Interests: 
Research Interests : (1) Metal-Insulator transition in disordered electron systems (2) Electrical transport in Conducting Polymers (3) First-principles materials modeling (4) Experimental investigations on electrical transport and Magnetotransport at low temperatures and high magnetic fields in disordered metals.