Dr. Sunilkumar P

Faculty Assistant Professor


Approved research guide under Calicut University


Courses presently handled: 

invertebarat, chordata, aquaculture, molecular biology, biostatistics

Area of Interests: 

Fishery microbiology and aquaculture


1.P. SUNIL KUMAR Histological and ultra structural changes in the mantle of Perna indica Kuriakose and Nair 1976 (Phylum: Mollusca, Class: Bivalvia) infested by bioeroding sponges. Journal of aquaculture and marine biology.
2. P.SUNIL KUMAR&P.A.THOMAS Biodiversity studies on bioeroding sponges infesting brown mussel of the south west coast of India J Marine Biol. AquacultureVol.1: Issue 3 p 1-3.

3. P. SUNIL KUMAR and S. DHARMARAJ 2003. Studies on the growth of marine micro alga Dunaliella salinaIndian Journal of Fisheries Vol. 50 No. 2 pp. 259-262.ISSN-0970-60141; NAAS imp. factor 6.20.
4. P. SUNIL KUMAR and P.A.THOMAS 2011. Sponge infestation on Perna indica Kuriakose & Nair 1976 in experimental culture systems Indian J. geo.mar. Sciences Vol. 40(5) pp. 731-733. ISSN-0379-5131, NAAS imp. factor 6.31
5. P.SUNIL KUMAR and P.A.THOMAS 2011. Pathological aspects related to sponge infestation in Perna indica Kuriakose&Nair 1976. J. Mar. Biol.Ass. India, 52 (2): 278-280.ISSN-0025-3146.
6. P. SUNIL KUMAR 2011. Breeding of angel fish in silpaulin lined tanks Infofish Int. 3/2011 p. 28-29.ISSN-1511-5976.
7. SUNIL KUMAR. P and VISHNU, P.S. 2011. Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus on the growth of Etroplus suratensis in Fishing Chimes October, Vol. 31, No.7. p. 54-55 ISSN-0971-4529.
8. P.SUNIL KUMAR and P.A.THOMAS Studies on the micro chipping activity of bioeroding sponges infesting Perna indica Kuriakose &Nair. Indian hydrobiology Vol. 15, No. 1, 2012 p. 87-89.ISSN 0971-6548.
9. P.SUNIL KUMAR and P.A.THOMAS 2012. Discovery of Alectona wallichii (Carter, 1874) from the Indian Seas as a pest of brown mussel with notes on the zoogeography and substratum preference in Alectona spp. (Demospongiae: Clionidae) J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 54(2), 80-84. ISSN-0025-3146.
10. SUNIL KUMAR. P. 2014. A comparative account on the aerobic bacterial count in the fresh flesh and gut of Climbing perch (Anabas testudeneus) Millennium zoology. Vol. 15, No. 1p.16-18.ISSN 0973-1946.
11. P.SUNIL KUMAR and P.A.THOMAS Systematics, zoogeography and affinity of boring sponges infesting the brown mussel, Perna indica Kuriakose and Nair from the south west coast of India, J. mar. biol. Ass. India.57(1), January-June 2015. p 1-9.
12.P. SUNIL KUMAR and S. DHARMARAJ Stress induced protein expression in the marine microalgae Dunaliella salina Indian hydrobiology
13. P.SUNIL KUMAR On the effect of hydrogen sulphide on primary productivity from retting area in Vembanad Lake Indian J. geo. mar. Sciences Ref. No. 2941/15. IJMS

14. P. SUNIL KUMAR and S. DHARMARAJ 2001. Expression of stress proteins in the marine microalgae Dunaliella salina in Proceedings on National Symposium on marine algal research Prospect & retrospect. p. 29-30.
15. P.SUNIL KUMAR. 2005. Studies on the histology and ultra structure of mantle of Perna indica Kuriakose & Nair 1976 infested by bioeroding sponges in Proc. Symp. On Recent trends in Mariculture 2005 pp. 148-154.
16. SUNIL KUMAR. P. 2014. Corals in aquarium Ornamentals Kerala. International seminar on ornamental fish breeding, farming and trade p. 96-100.

17. SUNIL KUMAR.P. Bioeroding sponges in aquaculture systems. In Marine sponges: Chemo biological and biomedical applications. Springer publication
18. SUNIL KUMAR.P. Remarks on the chemo biological applications of marine sponges. In Marine sponges: Chemo biological and biomedical applications. Springer publication

19. P.A.THOMAS and P. SUNIL KUMAR 2005 Sponge biodiversity in Kerala and its biotechnological potentials 2005. State biodiversity strategy and action plan (SBSAP) published by the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan India: chapter on sponges. P. 148-154.

20. P.SUNIL KUMAR. 2003.Bioactive compounds from marine sponges and other sources in Fishing Chimes, Vol. 23, No.4, July, 2003. pp. 42-44.
21. SUNIL KUMAR. P. 2004. Ainchal matsyangalude pragananam Coastal Times Vol.1, Issue 2, March 2004 pg.3


Life Member of Network of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries Professionals, ICLARM
Life Member of the Marine Biological Association of India
Life Member of Kerala Academy of Sciences
Life Member of Swadeshi Science Movement
Life Member of Nalam (2008-2012), Cultural organisation of KAU employees